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Clarity Through Intelligence

Now Introducing Enlight™

Ironwood Cyber is now launching our newest, re-imagined product, ENLIGHT. We have harnessed decades of cybersecurity assessment experience to build an automated vulnerability testing platform that can truly "Think Like a Hacker". With these new improvements we have built upon and rebranded the Ironwood CyberRx product line.

ENLIGHT’s Catalyst Engine revolutionizes cyber risk assessments using data-driven AI to optimize testing and provide continuous, comprehensive, and rapid coverage of your total attack surface.

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Product Suite


On-demand knowledge of your exposed cyber weaknesses. Our perimeter assessment includes everything from sensitive data and vulnerability exposure to phishing susceptibility.


Frictionless, fast and intelligent. Our internal assessment includes everything from penetration testing to malware simulation. It will be the easiest and most valuable cyber assessment you've ever experienced.


Simplify and enhance your threat monitoring and response. Using smart seamless automation, Vigilance offers unmatched MDR capabilities backed by decades of expertise.

Pinpointing Cyber Challenges

Consulting-based cybersecurity services are not scalable and are high friction

One-time reports and  lack of continuous assessment

Automated cyber solutions are often naive and incomplete

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Instant enrollment, on-demand services and easy deployment. Assess your organization inside and out, bringing to light security risks as they pop up.

Autonomous services provide the ability to achieve truly continuous assessments and continuous improvement.

Ground-breaking artificial intelligence enhances not only the speed of cyber assessment but produces more comprehensive and accurate findings.

Custom Tailored To Fit Your Needs

Want it all? Just some parts but not everything? Or maybe just the penetration tests? Our immersive and
easy-to-use pricing system allows you to choose only the services you need and nothing more.

No hidden fees or bloated packages. Just true and efficient cybersecurity as originally intended.

Have Any Questions?

Learn about your cybersecurity posture and how you can reduce your risk today
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